Australian Food (comprensione orale)

Australian Food

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  1. Vegetables with grilled fish or meat is called …passo: … grilled meat or fish and vegetables, this dish is known as meat and three veg.Verdure con pesce o carne grigliata sono noti come …
    salsa per arrosti
    carne e tre verdure

  2. What is savoury and not sweet in Australia?passo: Australian pies are meat baked in pasty. They are savoury. American pies are fruit baked in pastry, they are sweet.Cos'è salato e non dolce in Australia?
    salsa per arrosti
    carne e tre verdure

  3. People often eat roasted lamb with …passo: … roast lamb served with gravy – a sauce made from meat fat …La gente spesso mangia l'agnello arrosto con
    salsa per arrosti
    carne e tre verdure

  4. Which kind of food is important to Australians?passo: Fresh fish, meat, vegetables and fruit are all important parts of the Australian diet.Quali tipi di alimenti sono importanti per gli australiani?
    cibi freschi
    piatti saporiti/salati
    piatti dolci

  5. Which dessert was named after a dancer?passo: The Pavlova is named after Russian ballet dancer Anna Pavlova.Quale dessert prende il nome di una ballerina famosa?



Traditional Australian food is similarsimile to British food. In the past, Australians atemangiavano (eat, ate, eaten) simple food, for example grilled meat or fish and vegetables, this dishpietanza is known as è nota come meat and three vegcarne e tre verdure. Some other traditional dishes are fish and chips, steak, roast lambagnello arrosto served with gravysalsa per arrosti – a sauce made from meat fat – or meat piespie = pasticcio. But don’t confuseconfuse … with … = … scambiare … con an Australian pie with an American pie. Australian pies are meat bakedfritta in pastrypasta sfoglia. They are savourysaporiti/salati. American pies are fruit baked in pastry, they are sweet.

Today, Mediterranean and Asian flavours(varietà di) gusti are commondiffusi in Australia, and Australians enjoyamare, fare qualcosa con piacere cuisineil mangiare/la cucina from all over the world – from African to French, Vietnamese or Turkish. Sushi, for example, is a popular and healthy fast food. Above allinnanzi tutto, fresh fish, meat, vegetables and fruit are very important to the Australian dietalimentazione.

The Pavlova is Australia’s most famous dessert. It is a meringuemeringa toppedricoperta with creamcrema/panna and fresh fruit. The Pavlova is named afterporta il nome di the Russian ballet dancer Anna Pavlova. Another Australian favourite is the Lamington – a cake with jam, chocolate and coconut.

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