Indigenous Australians (comprensione orale)

Indigenous Australians

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Domande sul testo B1

  1. “Bush Tucker” is a person who hunts animals for food.passo: Today this hunter-gatherer diet is called “Bush Tucker”.Il "bush tucker“ è una persona che caccia animali per mangiarli.
  2. Today, the population of Indigenous Australians is around 750, 000.passo: When European settlement started, the population of Indigenous Australians was between 750,000 and 1,000,000, over the next 150 years this number got dramatically lower.Al giorno d'oggi la popolazione degli australiani indigeni ammonta a ca. 750.000.
  3. The Stolen Generation is a name for Aboriginals who stole a lot.passo: The Stolen Generation is the name for Aboriginal children taken from their families.Il termine "stolen generation“ indica gli aborigeni che rubavano molto.
  4. Indigenous Australians were not allowed to take part in elections or own land.passo: Indigenous Australians also had their land and their rights taken from them. They were not allowed to vote.Agli indigeni non fu permesso di partecipare alle elezioni o di possedere alcuna terra.
  5. Today, Indigenous Australians are recognized as Australian citizens.passo: … have equal rights as citizens of Australia.Attualmente gli australiani indigeni sono riconosciuti come cittadini australiani.


Indigenous Australians

The first inhabitantsabitanti of Australia were the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islandersgli insulani di Torres Strait. Most Indigenous Australians were hunter-gathererscacciatori e raccoglitori who lived off the land. They hunted and ate native animals, insects and fish as well as plants and fruits. Today this hunter-gatherer dietalimentazione/dieta is called “Bush Tucker”.

When European settlementinsediamento started, the population of Indigenous Australians was between 750,000 and 1,000,000, over the next 150 years this number got dramatically lowerdiminuì drammaticamente. The biggest cause of deathcausa di morte in Aboriginal communities were European diseases, for example smallpoxvaiolo and tuberculosis.

In the 1960s and 70s the government took Aboriginal children from their families and put them in orphanagesorfanotrofi or with white European families to force themcostringerli to be more like white Australians. This generation of children is called the “Stolen Generation” and is thought to beviene vista come another reason whyragione per cui the population decreaseddiminuì/si ridusse.

As well as their children, indigenous Australians also had their land and their rightsdiritti taken from them. They were not allowednon gli fu permesso to votevotare. They had to wait at the back of shops until all the white people had been served and they were forced to live on reservesvivere nelle riserve. Today they are recognizedriconosciuti as the traditional ownerspadroni of Australian land and have equal rightspari diritti as citizensabitanti of Australia, however, they are still disadvantagedsvantaggiati.

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