Wildlife and Climate (comprensione scritta)

Animals and Climate

Most of the animals and plants found in Australia are nativenativi/originari/autoctoni to Australia, they cannot be found anywhere else in the worldnon esistono in nessun altra parte del mondo. Some of the strangerstrani/particolari and more famous animals include koalas, kangaroos, the platypusplatipo/ornitorinco and the echidnatachiglosside/echidna.

Australia is also homecasa/patria to some of the most dangerouspericolosi and poisonousvelenosi animals in the world. Snakes, spiders, jellyfishmedusa, crocodiles and sharks, to name just a fewper citarne solo alcuni.

Australia experiencesqui - patisce regular droughtsiccità, floodinondazioni, and bush firesincendi. The temperature and weather conditions are very different from one end of the continent to the other. The north is humid and tropical, with rain forestsforesta pluviale. The south, southeast and southwest are defined by mountain rangessono caratterizzati da catene montuose and a mediterranean climate, whilst the centre is a dry desert.

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Domande sul testo A1

Leggi prima il testo con attenzione e poi rispondi alle domande.

  1. What is unique about many of the plants and animals in Australia?passo: Most of the animals and plants found in Australia are native to Australia …Cos'è unico delle piante e degli animali che si trovano in Australia?
    Sono velenosi.
    Sono strani.
    Sono autoctoni.
  2. Which animal is not poisonous or dangerous?passo: Australia is also home to some of the most dangerous and poisonous animals in the world. Snakes, spiders, jellyfish, crocodiles and sharks, to name just a few.Quale animale non è velenoso o pericoloso?
  3. What can you find in the middle of Australia?passo: The north is humid and tropical, with rain forests, the south, southeast and southwest are defined by mountain ranges and a mediterranean climate, whilst the centre is a dry desert.Cosa si trova al centro dell'Australia?
    catene montouse
    foresta pluviale

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