English GrammarPronouns/DeterminersDemonstrativesDemonstratives – Free Exercise Demonstratives – Free Exercise display incorrect answers Exercises Choose the correct demonstrative determiner. I really like thisthese restaurant!singular noun → this I prefer thisthese glasses to thatthose ones over there.1. plural noun, close to the speaker → these2. plural noun, further away from the speaker → those ThisThese chair here is a lot more comfortable than thatthose one.1. singular noun, close to the speaker → this2. singular noun, further away from the speaker → that Would you rather have thisthese strawberries or thatthose peaches?1. plural noun, close to the speaker → these2. plural noun, further away from the speaker → those For the price of thisthese video game, you can buy three of thatthose classic boardgames.1. singular noun, close to the speaker → this2. plural noun, further away from the speaker → those Choose the correct demonstrative determiner. I hope that thisthese summer will be nicer than thatthose weeks of rain we had last year. 1. time upcoming in the near futuresingular noun → this2. completed time in the pastplural noun → those ThatThose boys over there challenged thisthese boys here to a football match.1. plural noun further away from the speaker → those2. plural noun close to the speaker → these I like thisthese film a lot more than thatthose one they showed last week.1. singular noun, temporally close to the speaker → this2. singular noun, temporally distant from the speaker → that You can’t compare thatthose football teams from the fifties and sixties to thisthese teams of today.1. plural noun, temporally distant from the speaker → those2. plural noun, temporally close to the speaker → these ThisThese meal tastes so much better than thatthose one we had two weeks ago.1. singular noun, temporally close to the speaker → this2. singular noun, temporally distant from the speaker → that Online exercises to improve your English Improve your English with Lingolia. Each grammar topic comes with one free exercise where you can review the basics, as well as many more Lingolia Plus exercises where you can practise according to your level. Check your understanding by hovering over the info bubbles for simple explanations and handy tips. Demonstratives – Free Exercise Demonstratives – free exercise Lingolia Plus English Unlock all grammar exercises for English with a Lingolia Plus account 1041 interactive grammar exercises for English sorted by topic and level (A1–C1) with a built-in progress tracker and awards system Get started with Lingolia Plus Demonstratives – Lingolia Plus Exercises Demonstrative Pronouns – this/these A1 Demonstrative Pronouns – that/those A1 Demonstrative Pronouns – this/that A2 Demonstrative Pronouns – these/those A2 Demonstrative Pronouns – this/that/these/those A2 Demonstrative Pronouns – one/ones (1) B1 Demonstrative Pronouns – one/ones (2) B1 Demonstrative Pronouns – mixed (1) B1 A1 Beginner A2 Elementary B1 Intermediate B2 Upper intermediate C1 Advanced Gapfill Multiple choice Drag-and-drop Mixed