The Lingolia Top 15 for English

Exercises for Lingolia Plus Users
1. Simple Present – affirmative forms of be (1) A1
2. Future Simple (will) – affirmative (1) A2
3. Simple Present – negative forms of be A1
4. Simple Present – questions with be A1
5. Simple Present – mixed sentences with be A1
6. Simple Present – affirmative forms of be (2) A1
7. Possessive - true or false A2
8. Adjectives from Nouns (1) B1
9. Wh- Questions (4) B1
10. Articles - a/an/the/no article A2
11. Declarative Sentences – word order (1) A1
12. Simple Present – contractions: be (1) A1
13. Simple Present – affirmative forms of have A1
14. Strong Adjectives (2) B1
15. Coordinating Conjunctions A2