Reflexive Pronouns – Free Exercise

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Type in the correct reflexive pronoun.

  1. I don’t need any help. I can do it  .I → myself)
  2. Edwin fixed his bike all by  .Edwin (he) → himself
  3. Beth and Chris got a little lost one day on their way back from school. But they found the right way home all by  .they → themselves
  4. Olivia got a very good mark on her English test. She was very pleased with  .she → herself
  5. We had to ask   if this was the right thing to do.we → ourselves

Type in the correct reflexive pronoun.

  1. The teacher said to the class: “I would like you to do the exercises  .”you (plural) = yourselves
    In the second person, we have to indicate whether we are talking to one person or several people.
  2. There’s no need to shut the garage gate. It does that all by  .it = itself
  3. Catherine and Abby are sisters. Yesterday, they made their lunchboxes  .they = themselves
  4. Tim’s mum said to him: “I won’t help you to clean your room this time. You have to do it  .”you (singular) = yourself
    In the second person, we have to indicate whether we are talking to one person or several people.
  5. At the wedding reception, there was a buffet where we could just help  .we = ourselves

Choose the correct reflexive pronoun.

  1. Mr. Jones said to his wife: “No need to call the plumber darling, I can fix the tap .”I = myself
  2. When she was five years old, Mary taught to ride a bicycle.Mary (she) = herself
  3. The teacher said to the class: “For the next five minutes, you are free to talk amongst .”you (plural) = yourselves
  4. Because David and Simon studied a lot for their biology test tomorrow, they are feeling confident in .they = themselves
  5. The computer keeps turning off and I don’t know why!the computer (it) = itself