Past Simple/Progressive – Free Exercise

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Choose between the simple past and past progressive to complete the sentences.

  1. While Charlie golf, his wife a book in the lounge.both actions took place simultaneously → past progressive
  2. He a number.the actions took place sequentially → simple past
  3. While I around Australia, I many interesting places.1st space: the process/progression of the action is emphasised → past progressive|2nd space: shorter actions took place during the duration of the journey → simple past

Complete the sentences using the simple past or the past progressive.

  1. While Steve (watch)   football on TV,
    Monica (listen)   to the radio.Both actions took place simultaneously over a longer period of time (signal: while) → past progressive
  2. When I (walk)   down Fifth Avenue,
    I (discover)   a wonderful boutique.second action (discovered) occurred when the first was already in progress (walking)|1. past progressive|2. simple past
  3. The angry little girl (throw)   her toy onto the floor and (stamp)   her foot.short, sequentially occurring actions → simple past
  4. I (receive)   your message while
    I (sit)   in the doctor’s waiting room.second action (received the message) occurred when the first was already in progress (sitting)|1. simple past|2. past progressive
  5. When Ruth (be)   little,
    she (hate)   the smell of coffee.stative verbs be and hate → simple past
  6. The accident (happen)   because Alice (drive)   too fast.second action (accident) occurred when the first was already in progress (driving too fast)|1. simple past|2. past progressive
  7. I (see)   a dolphin while I (swim)   in the harbour.second action (seeing the dolphin) occurred when the first was already in progress (swimming)|1. simple past|2. past progressive