Past Simple/Progressive – Free Exercise

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Choose between the simple past and past progressive to complete the sentences.

  1. While Charlie golf, his wife a book in the lounge.both actions took place simultaneously → past progressive
  2. He a number.the actions took place sequentially → simple past
  3. While I around Australia, I many interesting places.1st space: the process/progression of the action is emphasised → past progressive
    2nd space: shorter actions took place during the duration of the journey → simple past

Complete the sentences using the simple past or the past progressive.

  1. While Steve (watch)   football on TV,
    Monica (listen)   to the radio.Both actions took place simultaneously over a longer period of time (signal: while) → past progressive
  2. When I (walk)   down Fifth Avenue,
    I (discover)   a wonderful boutique.second action (discovered) occurred when the first was already in progress (walking)
    1. past progressive
    2. simple past
  3. The angry little girl (throw)   her toy onto the floor and (stamp)   her foot.short, sequentially occurring actions → simple past
  4. I (receive)   your message while
    I (sit)   in the doctor’s waiting room.second action (received the message) occurred when the first was already in progress (sitting)
    1. simple past
    2. past progressive
  5. When Ruth (be)   little,
    she (hate)   the smell of coffee.stative verbs be and hate → simple past
  6. The accident (happen)   because Alice (drive)   too fast.second action (accident) occurred when the first was already in progress (driving too fast)
    1. simple past
    2. past progressive
  7. I (see)   a dolphin while I (swim)   in the harbour.second action (seeing the dolphin) occurred when the first was already in progress (swimming)
    1. simple past
    2. past progressive