Borrow/Lend – Free Exercise

display incorrect answers


Choose borrow or lend.

  1. – Where is the vacuum cleaner?
    – I it to the neighbours last week.lend: give somebody something to use then return
    past simple, irregular verb → lent
  2. I forgot my wallet. Can you me £10? I’ll pay you back tomorrow.lend: give somebody something to use then return
    present simple → lend
  3. They our tent for two weeks.borrow: take something to use then return
    past simple, regular verb → borrowed
  4. Can I these scissors?borrow: take something to use then return
    present simple → borrow
  5. English many words from French.borrow: to take words from another language
    present simple, 3rd person singular → borrows

Complete the sentence with borrow or lend.

  1. Miranda and Jason want to buy a house. They are looking to   from a bank.borrow: take money and agree to pay it back
    present progressive, infinitive contruction → to borrow
  2. During the US presidential campaign, many celebrities   their support to a candidate.lend: offer help or support
    present simple → lend
  3. Max had a car accident, so I   him by bike.lend: give somebody something to use and return
    past simple, irregular verb → lent
  4. Can I   your pen?borrow: take something to use and return
    present simple → borrow
  5. I never   money to friends.lend: give money to someone who agrees to pay it back
    present simple → lend