Carry/Bring – Free Exercise

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Choose carry or bring to complete the sentences.

  1. I can’t that bag. It’s too heavy for me.transport something from one place to another → carry
  2. Sarah is a cake to the party tomorrow.move something towards the speaker → bring
  3. Here, I you a sandwich.take something with you to another place → bring
    past simple, irregular verb: brought
  4. When I hurt my ankle, Joseph had to me home.transport someone using hands/body strength → carry
  5. The porter our suitcases to the room.transport something using hands/body strength → carry
    past simple, regular verb: carried

Complete the sentences with carry or bring.

  1. Poor Lily has to   a heavy school bag full of books every day.transport something with your hands/body strength → carry
  2. Will you   me some chocolate from the shops?take somethig towards the speaker → bring
  3. Her boyfriend   her flowers every Sunday.take something towards the receiver → bring
  4. Mason helped the elderly woman   her shopping home.transport something with your hands/body strength → carry
  5. Do you   your lunch to work every day?take something towards the speaker → bring