Come/Go – Free Exercise

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Complete the sentences with come or go.

  1. Are you to the restaurant with us?Use come (with) when someone joins the movement of the speaker
    present progressive → coming
  2. – Where is Paula?
    – She’s to the supermarket, she will be back soon.Use go for movements to other places
    incomplete action
    present perfect, irregular verb → gone
  3. They have been on holiday in Spain and they are home tomorrow.Use come with movements towards the speaker/listerner.
    present progressive → coming
  4. We’re to visit you tomorrow.Use come with movements towards the speaker/listerner.
    present progressive → coming
  5. They to the cinema to see the new James Bond film.Use go to speak about movements in the past or future.
    past simple, irregular verb → went

Complete the sentence with come or go.

  1. We don’t   to school at the weekend.Use go for movements to other places
    present simple, negative sentence → don’t go
  2. What time is your friend   over?Use come with movements towards the speaker/listerner.
    present progressive → coming
  3. Imogen wants to   to the ballet with us.Use come (with) when someone joins the movement of the speaker.
    simple present, want + infinitive → to come
  4. We’re not   to Berlin on the train.Use go for movements to other places
    present progressive, negative → going
  5. Michael has   to a wedding, he will return on Sunday.Use go for movements to other places
    incomplete action
    present perfect → gone