Happy/Lucky – Free Exercise

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Choose happy or lucky to complete the sentence.

  1. I think Alexandra will be when she sees you.feel joy or contentment → happy
  2. The shark was hungry but Miles managed to swim away — he is to be alive.fortunate → lucky
  3. Scott seems since he met his new girlfriend.feel joy or contentment → happy
  4. My number is 15.something that brings good fortune → lucky + noun
  5. The wedding day was the day of their lives.feel joy or contentment → happy

Complete the sentence with happy or lucky.

  1. I think I’m going to win the race. I’m feeling   today.fortunate → lucky
  2. You have to be very   to win the lottery.fortunate → lucky
  3. Silvia is so   she wins every prize and competition.fortunate → lucky
  4. Summer has finally arrived! Now we can go swimming and eat ice cream. I’m so  !feel joy, contentment → happy
  5. How long have you been away? I’m sure your mother will be   to see you.feel joy, contentment → happy