Know/Meet – Free Exercise

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Choose know or meet to complete the sentences.

  1. Do you my friend Martin?be familiar with someone, present simple → know
  2. Let’s on the corner at 9:45 tomorrow morning.arrange to be somewhere, present simple → meet
  3. I your sister at the swimming pool yesterday.see somebody by chance, past simple → met
  4. He how to fix a flat tyre.a skill you are able to use; present simple, 3rd person singular → knows
  5. My mother the Prime Minister because she used to work at familiar with someone, present simple → know

Complete the sentences with know or meet.

  1. My friends are flying in to town tonight. I’m going to   them at the airport.go to a place and wait for a person to arrive, future I (going to)meet
  2. Have you   Mark?know somebody, be introduced for the first time: meet
    present perfect → met
  3. My mother lived in Edinburgh for 10 years so she   the city very familiar with a place: know
    present simple, 3rd person singular → knows
  4. I don’t   where the train station is.have information
    present simple → know
  5. She   I don’t like oranges.have information: know
    present simple, 3rd person singular → knows

Choose know or meet to complete the sentences.

  1. I don’t the address.have information (or not), present simple → know
  2. Perhaps we will again one in the same place by chance: meet
    future I (will) → meet
  3. Rebecca seems unfriendly at first, but she’s actually really nice once you get to familiar with somebody, present simple → know
  4. Does your father how to use spreadsheets?be able to use a skill, present simple → know
  5. I’d like you to introduced for the first time, present simple → meet