Leave/Forget – Free Exercise

display incorrect answers


Choose leave or forget.

  1. Oh no! I’ve my glasses. Can you read me the menu?no place mentioned → forgotten
  2. I my phone on the tram.place mentioned (the tram) → left
  3. Don’t the shopping list!no place mentioned → forget
  4. At the airport, he realized he had his passport. What a disaster!no place mentioned → forgotten
  5. Where did you the car keys?where refers to a place → leave

Complete the sentences with leave or forget.

  1. Lorelei has   her lunch at home.place mentioned (at home)
    present perfect, irregular verb → left
  2. Rory   his sports uniform and couldn’t play football.no place mentioned
    past simple, irregular verb → forgot
  3. Mandy   her keys almost every day!no place mentioned
    present simple, 3rd person singular (she) → forgets
  4. As soon as the rain started, I realised I had   the washing on the line.place mentioned (the washing line)
    past perfect, irregular verb → left
  5. Did I   my jacket at your place last night?place mentioned (your place)
    past simple question: leave