Listen/Hear – Free Exercise

display incorrect answers


Choose listen to or hear.

  1. Rania the radio every, she chooses/wants to listen → listen to
  2. When Lyu arrived, we were a podcast.we don’t use hear in progressive tenses
  3. Can you the church bells ringing?passive, you are able to hear even when you don’t choose/want to
    keyword: can
  4. I about Obama’s speech last week.a complete act of listening in the past → heard
  5. Can you speak up? I can’t you.have to ability to perceive sound/noise
    keyword: can’thear

Complete the sentences with listen to or hear.

  1.   me!active, concentrate on what I am saying! → listen
  2. He was   his favourite music.keyword: was as an auxiliary for past progressive
    we can’t use hear in progressive tenses → listening to
  3. Yesterday, they   a strange sound coming from the basement.passive, hear without wanting/choosing to hear
    past simple, irregular verb → heard
  4. She broke up with him because he never attention to, concentrate on → listen to
    past simple, regular verb → listened to
  5. Have you   the news?a complete action in the past → hear
    past simple, irregular verb → heard