Spend/Donate – Free Exercise

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Choose spend or donate.

  1. I all my money at the flea market this morning.spend: use money to pay for things
    past simple, irregular verb → spent
  2. When I die, I'm going to my organs to science.donate: have blood or organs removed and given to someone in need
    future I (going to) → donate
  3. This morning, I blood and now I don’t feel very well.donate: have blood or organs removed and given to someone in need
    past simple, regular verb → donated
  4. Maria is going to the summer in Quebec.spend: use time
    future I (going to) → spend
  5. The company a lot of money to chairty every year.donate: give something away to benefit others
    3rd person singular present simple → donates

Complete the sentences with spend or donate.

  1. Alex has been   a lot of time with Michael lately.spend: use time
    present perfect progressive → spending
  2. We try not to   much money on groceries.spend: use money to pay for things
    present simple, infinitive construction → to spend
  3. I’ve decided to   my old bike to a local children’s chairty.donate: give something away to benefit others
    present perfect, infinitive construction → to donate
  4. Ruby   all her time and energy on being fashionable.spend: use time
    present simple, 3rd person singular → spends
  5. The Morris family   10% of their monthly income to Oxfam.donate: give something away to benefit others
    present simple, the Morris family = 3rd person singular → donates