Study/Learn – Free Exercise

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Complete the sentences with study or learn.

  1. I am to drive.Use learn with practical skills
  2. She biology.Study means spending time learning about an academic subject
  3. Nicholas is a very diligent student. He for hours every evening.Study means spending time learning, especially with books
  4. They are to play the piano.Use learn with practical skills
  5. Children to read and write in primary school.Learn means gaining knowledge in a classroom, with a teacher

Complete the sentences with the correct form of study or learn.

  1. We are   to sew. My mother is teaching us.Use learn with practical skills
    present progressive → learning
  2. The teacher wants us to   for at least 3 hours a day.Study means to spend time learning especially with books
    infinitive contruction → study
  3. I   maths, and science at university.Study means to spend time learning about an academic subject
  4. They want to   how to ride a bike.Use learn with practical skills
  5. Astronomers   the stars.Study means to spend time learning about an academic subject