Watch/Look/See – Free Exercise

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Are the sentences correct or incorrect?

  1. Can you see the rainbow on the horizon?
    To have the power/ability of sight
    Keyword: can → see
  2. You look badly today. Is everything ok?
    Use look + adjective to describe appearance
    badly is an adverb
  3. David looks TV every night.
    Fixed expression → watch TV
  4. Look! Is that superman?
    Direct your eyes, deliberate action → look
  5. They have been seeing each other for a few months now.
    Seeing = dating/meeting

Choose look, see or watch to complete the sentences.

  1. Can you go and whether the post has been delivered or not?Keyword: whether
    Meaning of check or find out see
  2. I you on the high street yesterday. I waved, but you didn’t at me.1. Passive, one-time action, something crosses your line of sight → see
    2. Deliberate action of directing your eyes
    Keyword atlook
  3. Have you the latest James Bond film.see/watch a film or TV programme
  4. They went to the beach to the surfing competition.Observe something that develops, changes or moves for a longer period of time → watch
  5. What are you at?Direct your eyes towards something deliberately
    Keyword: atlook

Complete the sentences with look, see, or watch.

  1.   at that big dog!Direct your eyes towards something deliberately
    Keyword at look
  2. You   different. What have you done to your hair?use look + adjective to describe appearance
  3. I can’t  , it’s too dark in here.Have the power, ability of sight
    Keyword: can’t → see
    We use can/can’t with the verb see to give it a progressive meaning
  4. The police have been   their suspect for more than a week.Observe something that moves, changes or develops for a longer period of time → watch
  5. – Omar forgot his mobile.
    – I’m   him later tonight, I can give it back to him.seeing = dating/meeting