VocabularyThemed VocabularyBedroomExercisesVocabulary Test (2) Vocabulary Test (2) display incorrect answers Exercises A2 Choose the correct word for each space. Martin sets his alarm clockbedbedside tableclothes hangercurtainduvetnightdresspillowslipperwardrobe for 7:00 am. My clothes hang on alarm clocksbedsbedside tablesclothes hangerscurtainsduvetsnightdressespillowsslipperswardrobes in my alarm clockbedbedside tableclothes hangercurtainduvetnightdresspillowslipperwardrobe . Ruby always has a glass of water next to her bed on the alarm clockbedbedside tableclothes hangercurtainduvetnightdresspillowslipperwardrobe . At night, I close the alarm clocksbedsbedside tablesclothes hangerscurtainsduvetsnightdressespillowsslipperswardrobes to keep the light out. Before I leave the house, I make the bed. I put the alarm clocksbedsbedside tablesclothes hangerscurtainsduvetsnightdressespillowsslipperswardrobes at the top of the bed and the I lay the alarm clockbedbedside tableclothes hangercurtainduvetnightdresspillowslipperwardrobe smoothly over the mattress. In summer, she wears a alarm clockbedbedside tableclothes hangercurtainduvetnightdresspillowslipperwardrobe to bed. We don’t wear shoes at home, we wear alarm clocksbedsbedside tablesclothes hangerscurtainsduvetsnightdressespillowsslipperswardrobes . They are warm and very comfortable. The children go to alarm clockbedbedside tableclothes hangercurtainduvetnightdresspillowslipperwardrobe at 8:00 pm. Practise English Vocabulary Online Interactive vocabulary exercises to improve your English. Exercises Vocabulary Test (1) A1 Vocabulary Test (2) A2 Go back