Australia - the Island Continent

Australia – the Island Continent

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Fragen zum Text A2

  1. Australia is made up of six states, two territories and some small islands.Textstelle: The country is made up of six states … , two territories … and some small islands.
  2. English is not the official language of Australia.Textstelle: … although Australia has no official language everyone speaks English.
  3. There is an average of 22.8 people per square kilometer.Textstelle: There is an average of 2.8 people per square kilometer.


Australia - the Island Continent

Australia, officially called The Commonwealth of Australia, is also known as The Land Down Under, Oz or Aussie. It is the smallest continent in the world but the sixth biggest country and is sometimes called the world's biggest island. The country is made up of six states (New South Wales, South Australia, Western Australia, Victoria, Tasmania and Queensland), two territories (The Northern Territory and The Australian Capital Territory) and some small islands.

Australian people are called Australians or Aussies and although Australia has no official language, everyone speaks English. Australian English is different from British and American English and Australians have a distinctive accent and unusual slang and vocabulary.

The population of Australia is around 22.9 million and most people live in large cities along the coast line. There is an average of 2.8 people per square kilometer.
