Future Time Clauses – Free Exercise

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Choose the correct conjunctions to complete the sentences.

  1. Will you let me know the parcel arrives? It’s very important and I need it ASAP!emphasising the immediacy of the action in the main clause → as soon as
  2. I’m going to practise every day I know my presentation by heart.the action in the main clause takes place up to a specific point in the future → until
  3. The deal will only be official you have signed the contract.the action in the main clause can only happen after the action in the time clause → once
  4. Oh no, I forgot about the homework! I will do it I’m waiting for the bus.both actions happen simultaneously in the future → while
  5. We’re going to cover the furniture we start painting.the action in the time clause happens prior to the action in the main clause → before

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

  1. They the announcement once everyone the main course.1. main clause: future tense (will future)
    2. time clause with once: present tense (present perfect simple)
  2. Harry all night until the project finished.1. main clause: future tense (going to + infinitive)
    2. time clause with until: present tense (simple present)
  3. While we next year, we volunteer work.1. time clause with while: present tense (present progressive)
    2. main clause: future tense (going to + infinitive)
  4. When Debbie out the truth, she furious.1. time clause with when: present tense (simple present)
    2. main clause: future tense (will + infinitive)
  5. Be careful, as soon as you those sausages, the dog crazy! They’re her favourite.1. time clause with as soon as: present tense (simple present)
    2. main clause: future tense (going to + infinitive)