Future Perfect Simple – Free Exercise

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Complete the sentences using the future perfect simple.

  1. When you come home, I (cook)   dinner for you.will + have + past participle
  2. They (wash)   the dishes by now.will + have + past participle
  3. He (invite)   her for a coffee.will + have + past participle
  4. In ten years’ time the house (fall)   into ruin.will + have + past participle
    irregular verb: fall-fell-fallen
  5. She (leave)   work for today.will + have + past participle
    irregular verb: leave-left-left

Complete the sentences using the future perfect simple.

  1. You (not/finish)   this work by the end of the day.won’t + have + past participle
  2. Don’t come round before 9 o’clock. I (not/get up)   by then.won’t + have + past participle
    irregular verb: get-got-got/gotten
  3. They (not/arrive)   yet.won’t + have + past participle
  4. He (not/forget)   to lock the door.won’t + have + past participle
    irregular verb: forget-forgot-forgotten
  5. We (not/switch off)   the TV.won’t + have + past participle

Complete the questions using the future perfect simple.

  1. (he/change)   at the right station?will + subject + have + past participle
  2. (you/write)   the letter by tomorrow?will + subject + have + past participle
    irregular verb: write-wrote-written
  3. (she/accept)   his apology?will + subject + have + past participle
  4. (they/finish)   all their exams by July?will + subject + have + past participle
  5. (How far/we/run)   by then?will + subject + have + past participle
    irregular verb: run-ran-run