Future Simple (will) – Free Exercise

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Write positive sentences in the future simple (will).

  1. (I/do/this/later)  will + verb in the basic form
  2. (we/go shopping)  will + verb in the basic form
  3. (the sun/shine)  will + verb in the basic form
  4. (Peter/call/you)  will + verb in the basic form
  5. (they/be/there)  will + verb in the basic form

Complete the sentences in the future simple (will).

  1. It (rain/not)   tomorrow.will + not + verb in the basic form
  2. I promise I (be/not)   late.will + not + verb in the basic form
  3. We (start/not)   to watch the film without you.will + not + verb in the basic form
  4. The bus (wait/not)   for us.will + not + verb in the basic form
  5. He (believe/not)   us.will + not + verb in the basic form

Write questions in the future simple (will).

  1. (what/learn/they)  question-word + will + subject + verb
  2. (it/snow)  will + subject + verb
  3. (when/you/get/home)  question-word + will + subject + verb
  4. (she/forgive/me)  will + subject + verb
  5. (what/say/he)  question-word + will + subject + verb