Present Perfect Simple – Free Exercise

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Choose between have and has to complete the sentences.

  1. I printed a document.I, you, we, theyhave
  2. He asked a question.he, she, ithas
  3. We bought some biscuits.I, you, we, theyhave
  4. Alan and Kerrie danced.several people → have
  5. Lance carried that heavy bag all the way person → has

Complete the gaps with the present perfect simple.

  1. You (call)   the wrong person.2nd person singular (you)have + past participle
  2. I (read)   the book.1st person singular (I)have + past participle
    irregular verb: read-read-read
  3. They (not/answer)   my question.negative, 3rd person plural (they) → haven’t + past participle
  4. He (not/speak)   Spanish for years.negative, 3rd person singular (he)hasn’t + past participle
    irregular verb: speak-spoke-spoken
  5. She (finish)   her food.3rd person singular (she)has + past participle

Complete the questions with the present perfect simple.

  1. (you/ever/visit)   England?2nd person singular (you)have + subject + past participle
  2. (she/call)   yet?3rd person singular (she)has + subject + past participle
  3. (the kids/do)   their homework yet?3rd person plural (the kids)have + subject + past participle
    irregular verb: do-did-done
  4. How long (you/be)   here?2nd person (you) → question word + have + subject + past participle
    irregular verb: be-was/were-been
  5. How many letters (he/write)  ?3rd person singular (he) → question word + has + subject + past participle
    irregular verb: write-wrote-written