Modal Verbs – Free Exercise

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First, in the exercise on the left, choose the correct modal verb in the present tense, in order to construct a text that makes sense. Then, replace the modal verb in the sentences on the right with the correct alternative form in the past tense.

  1. Tom tidy his office today because he find anything anymore.
  2. His boss tells him that he be tidier.
  3. Otherwise he work in his department anymore.anymore is a signal word for negation
  4. When customers want information, he be able to help them immediately.
  5. He keep them waiting.Don’t forget:
    need not = doesn’t have to
    must not = isn’t allowed to
  6. If he sorts the files now, he panic when a customer calls.Don’t forget:
    need not = doesn’t have to
    must not = isn’t allowed to
  7. Instead, he help them immediately.
  1. Tom   tidy his office last month because he   find anything anymore.must → had to
    can → be able to
    (could is also possible here)
  2. His boss told him that he   be tidier.ought to → be expected to/be supposed to/be to
  3. Otherwise he   work in his department in the future.can → be allowed to/could
    To note: since this sentence is referring forward to the future from its standpoint in the past, we have to use the conditional (would not be allowed to
    could not)
  4. When customers wanted information, he   be able to help them immediately.ought to → be expected to/be supposed to/be to
  5. He   to keep them waiting.must not → be not allowed to
  6. As he had sorted the files that morning, he   panic when a customer called.need not → don’t have to
  7. Instead, he   help them immediately.can → be able to (could is also possible here)