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What’s the difference between come and go?

Come and go can be confusing. While both verbs express a person’s movement or travel, choosing the right verb depends on the perspective of the speaker or the listener.

Read on to take a closer look at the difference between come and go in English, then test out your knowledge in the free exercises.


Megan: I’ll come to your place at 10 o’clock and the we can go to Mehmet’s birthday party together!

Andrea: That sounds like a great plan. Do you know if Eric is coming to the party?

Megan: No, I think he’s going to London with his parents this weekend.

Andrea: Lucky duck! He’s been to London 3 times already this year.


Use come with movements towards the speaker/listerner.

I’ll come to your place at 10 o’clock.
Is Eric coming to the party?

Use come (with) when someone joins the movement of the speaker.

We are going to a party tonight. Would you like to come with us?


Use go for movements/travel to other places away from the speaker/listener.

We can go to Mehmet’s party together.
Eric went to London with his parents last weekend.

been = come/gone

We often use been as a past participle of come and go, but only when the action is complete.

He’s been to London three times already this year.
Completed action. He has visited London and since left again.
He has come to London for a week.
He came to London and is still in London.

For a more detailed explanation of these tricky past participles, go to our page on been to vs. gone to.

Come and go are both irregular verbs; to conjugate them and thousands of other English verbs, go to our verb conjugator.

To learn about pairs of words with similar differences in meaning, check out our pages on Take/Bring, Here/There and This/That.